7 Sundays of Prayer
Join us in the Atrium every Sunday at 9:30AM for guided, group, and private praying. Led by Tom Rench, and Charles and Diane Breznau.
40 Days of Prayer
Pray with the entire Mayfair family around the same themes each day wherever you are! Receive a brief prayer guide and devotional from the Mayfair team each weekday morning.
We need one another. Join a THRIVE Group, our online men’s group, women’s groups, GriefShare, Celebrate Recovery and more. Click for details:
Q & A Videos
Access our lead pastor’s Q & A video devotionals, post your questions, and grow in your knowledge of God’s Word! Click below for more:
Serve Teams
Unity flourishes in the Body of Christ as we serve one another in humility. We thrive in Jesus as a church and as individuals when we’re using our God-given gifts to serve others. If you’re interested in joining a serve team, simply click below:
Explore God
Searching for answers to life’s questions? Wondering if there is a God and if you can know Him? We invite you to explore who God is and learn of His love for you. Click below to discover more: