We partner with these families to share the Good News in North America:
- Jeff & Jackie Benedict: Reach Beyond; Indiana
- Michael & Stephanie Breznau: Regular Baptist Chaplaincy; US Air Force — Ohio
- Alton & Helen Buck: SIM; Retired–Indiana
- Dan & Connie Canfield: Crossworld; Retired–Canada
- Karl & Patsy Crowe: New Tribes Mission; Florida
- Roselee Farber: Fellowship Int’l; Retired–Texas
- Funny River Bible Church: Alaska
- Kevin & Gretchen Gregory: Word of Life; Virginia
- Vic & Fran Halterman: Wycliffe; Retired–Texas
- Dean & Trudy Hess: New Tribes Mission; Florida
- Ruth Jordan: Reach Beyond; Retired–Idaho
- Leroy & Barbara Kenney: Biblical Ministries Worldwide; Retired–Wisconsin
- Mark & Andrea McGee: Tanalian Bible Camp; Alaska
- Bill & Nan Mosher: Baptist Mid-Missions; Retired–Ohio
- Rhoda Repke: Biblical Ministries Worldwide; Retired–Georgia
- Keith & Debbie Rundquist: Inner City Impact, Chicago, IL
- Bob & Karon Schneider: Biblical Ministries Worldwide; Puerto Rico
- Joe & Kerri Stinson: Biblical Ministries Worldwide; Canada
- Calvin & Gwen Taylor: New Tribes Mission; Tennessee
- Rusty & Norma Young: Retired–Iowa